
Rahva Raamat

Mon-Sat 10-20 Sun 10-18

Visit Rahva Raamat bookstore for its cosy atmosphere and shelves full of love, mundane and celestial, toil and trouble, stories from the far, far away lands, crimes and punishments, anger and yearning, funny stories, bedtime stories and happy endings! One thing is certain – both big and small will find their favourite book right here!
In addition to written nourishment for your soul, our range also includes witty gifts, cardboard games and music perfect for gifting and brightening up your day!

The bookstore cooperates with Café Piano, where our patrons can browse the books with a nice cup of coffee and share their thoughts with others. Plus, we often invite writers and other cultural figures for presentations. Everybody’s welcome!


Email: heleliis.orulepa@rahvaraamat.ee

Port Artur 2

3. Floor

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